all postcodes in L15 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L15 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L15 6TA 32 0 53.396691 -2.914107
L15 6TB 21 8 53.393947 -2.909552
L15 6TD 16 1 53.394299 -2.913094
L15 6TE 11 1 53.396884 -2.914849
L15 6TF 22 2 53.397244 -2.915653
L15 6TG 23 0 53.396851 -2.912066
L15 6TH 19 0 53.393255 -2.908515
L15 6TJ 27 1 53.394341 -2.914644
L15 6TL 16 0 53.393784 -2.913519
L15 6TN 2 0 53.397875 -2.91308
L15 6TP 2 0 53.393927 -2.912108
L15 6TQ 1 1 53.395694 -2.916462
L15 6TR 21 0 53.393526 -2.911949
L15 6TS 17 1 53.396196 -2.911916
L15 6TT 16 0 53.394657 -2.910936
L15 6TU 12 0 53.392793 -2.909076
L15 6TW 1 1 53.397215 -2.911412
L15 6TX 10 0 53.39294 -2.908628
L15 6TY 22 0 53.397138 -2.91335
L15 6TZ 14 0 53.392797 -2.909693